Jun 11, 2020 Thomas Ehler Uncategorized 0
As of Autumn 2018 USMTGUI from EhlerTech supports migrating local and domain profiles to Azure. You can even move over content from one AAD subscription user profile to another or migrate an AAD...Aug 09, 2018 Thomas Ehler Uncategorized 0
Reset Windows Update Agent Service Manuel F. Gil‘s script works on both PC’s and servers This script has saved my ass several times over the years and has been downloaded more than...Feb 20, 2018 Thomas Ehler Uncategorized 0
Reinstall User warning for Task Sequences. How a Powershell script can be implemented in a TS, to give Users a “last resort” Cancel option, if the wrong PC is about to be installed…...Dec 15, 2017 Thomas Ehler Uncategorized 0
ConfigMgr-SQL-recommendations.xlsx download. Shared by curtesy of Kent Agerlund https://sccmdeploy.dk/files/ConfigMgr-SQL-recommendations.xlsxOct 27, 2017 Thomas Ehler Uncategorized 0
How to set up the Tiles Menu so that it will be the default Tiles Menu for all new users: With two simple Power shell commands you can save a Custom Tiles Menu and make it default for all new users...Oct 23, 2017 Thomas Ehler Uncategorized 0
SCCM reinstall Task Sequence fails at random with a Network error or later when trying to apply Windows image. Published with the courtesy of my colleague Karsten Nymann Pedersen, Aarhus University...Sep 28, 2017 Thomas Ehler Uncategorized 0
Arena 15 and FactoryTalk 4 install with the “Deploy-Application” tool. For Arena 15 to use a license server, only the Arena15 x86 (32bit) version works with a license server! Use the...Sep 27, 2017 Thomas Ehler Uncategorized 1
In this post we will continuously update with the most common USMT errors. – Please note that Log files mentioned here are logs created by USMTGUI or with User Profile Central. Both from...Mar 23, 2017 Thomas Ehler Uncategorized 0
Customize the Default User Profile by Using CopyProfile You can now use the CopyProfile setting to customize a user profile and then copy that profile to the default user profile. Windows® uses the...Nov 11, 2016 Thomas Ehler Uncategorized 0
Windows 10 MDT Build Task Sequence fails on the step “DISM.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase” A temporary fix until Michael Nystrøm figures out how to fix his...
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